Journal Articles





Philips, Miray. “‘We love martyrdom, but we also love life’: Coptic Cultural Trauma between Martyrdom and Rights.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 11(2):220-247. [Free PDF].

  • 2022 Outstanding Graduate Research Paper, Sociology Department, University of Minnesota

  • 2021 Best Student Paper Award, Religion Section, American Sociological Association

  • 2021 Student Paper Award, Human Rights Section, American Sociological Association

Philips, Miray and Joachim Savelsberg. “Social Fields, Journalism, and Collective Memory: Reporting on the Armenian Genocide in Legal, Political, and Commemorative Field Events.Memory Studies. [Free PDF].

Savelsberg, Joachim and Miray Philips. “Epistemic Power of Universal Jurisdiction: Spreading Knowledge about Mass Atrocity Crimes.Minnesota Journal of International Law, 31(2). [Free PDF].

Book Chapters

Philips, Miray. “Christians in Egypt: Transformations in Representational Authority and Narratives of Belonging.” In In the Eye of the Storm: Middle Eastern Christians in the Twenty-First Century, edited by Mitri Raheb. Wipf and Stock Publishers. [Free EPUB].

Under Review

Philips, Miray. ““(Mis-)Representing Christian Persecution: The Social Construction of Christians as the Most Persecuted Religious Group Worldwide."

  • 2023 Student Paper Award (Unpublished), Society for the Scientific Study of Religion

  • 2023 Robert McNamara Best Student Paper Award, Association for the Sociology of Religion

  • 2023 Best Student Paper Award, Religion Section, American Sociological Association